I’m struggling to create a router with a default route, so when a url matches none of the route I defined, it redirects to ‘/home’.
I have created a fresh Ionic react app using the command : ionic start blank-ionic-react-app blank --type=react
I only modified the App component.
const App: React.FC = () => (
{/* <IonRouterOutlet> */}
<Route exact path='/home' render={() => {
console.log("render path='/home'");
return <Home />
} } />
<Route exact path='/toto' render={() => {
console.log("render path='/toto'");
return <Toto />
} } />
<Route path='/' render={() => {
console.log("render path='/'");
return <Redirect to="/home" />
} } />
{/* </IonRouterOutlet> */}
And created a simple Toto component:
function Toto (props: any) {
return <div>toto</div>
when I go to the url ‘/home’, the Home component is displayed, here are the logs:
render path='/home'
render path='/'
render path='/home'
render path='/'
when I go to the url ‘/toto’, the Home component is displayed, here are the logs:
render path='/toto'
render path='/'
render path='/home'
render path='/'
From what I understood, the first route matching the current url shall be rendered. But what I see seems to indicate that the last route matching the url is rendered.
So the question is, how can I set a default route so if the url is neither ‘/home’ or ‘/toto’, it gets redirected to ‘/home’ ?