QR Code Scanner for Vue

Hi is there a better documentation for vue 3

I cant make this work, can anyone point out or give guide on how to make this QR Scanner work?

I already have cordova-plugin-qrscanner and @ionic-native/qr-scanner installed

import { QRScanner, QRScannerStatus } from '@ionic-native/qr-scanner';

setup() {
   const scan = async () => {
          .then( ... )
          .catch( ... )

I tried to console the QRScanner to what is inside and see this:

Got it working now
No Need to import anything,

setup() {
   const scan = () => {
      window.cordova.plugins.barcodeScanner.scan(status => {
     // Code here
   return { scan }

So sad the window.cordova got empty, dont know what package it is
I finally got it worked with this packages I guess

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