Push Notifications with OneSignal not showing in device

I hope you are having a great day.

Note: I’m using Ionic 3 for my app.

So I’m stucked with OneSignal’s Push Notifications, last week my Push Notifications stopped working in some devices (I don’t see a pattern, sometimes it does not work in Android, sometimes in iOS).

This is the piece of code in Ionic where I catch the Push Notifications:

this.oneSignal.startInit(AppConstants.ApplicationId, AppConstants.GoogleProjectId);

this.oneSignal.handleNotificationOpened().subscribe(data => {

    const type = data.notification.payload.additionalData.type.toUpperCase();

    switch (type) {
        case 'TYPE_1':
            // Do something
        case 'TYPE_2':
            // Do something else
        case 'TYPE_3':
            // Do something else
            console.log('Notification type not registered');


I call that code on the application start.

Every time my users send a Message (it is a feature in the app) I send a request to my REST Service and it sends a request to OneSignal (to their REST API)

The data I post to OneSignal’s REST API is:

    "app_id": "MY_PRIVATE_APP_ID",
    "ios_badgeType": "Increase",
    "ios_badgeCount": 1,
    "include_player_ids": [
    "priority": 10,
    "android_channel_id": "26ca5296-f10f-4294-a3c6-942b1b88141b",
    "headings": {
        "en": "You have a message",
        "es": "Tienes un mensaje"
    "contents": {
        "en": "Rick Sanchez sent you a message",
        "es": "Rick Sanches te envió un mensaje"
    "data": {
        "type": "TYPE_1"

So far, not all recipients received the Push Notification (In that specific example I’m using an iPad with iOS 11, iPhone 7 with iOS 11, Samsung Galaxy S7 with Android 7 and a Motorola G5 with Android 7), I just received in one of them (the iPhone 7), but if I repeat the test then I can get the Push Notification with the Galaxy S7, or even 2, 3 or the 4 devices.

Then if I check the Delivery status in OneSignal dashboard I see that the Push Notification was correctly delivered to all the recipients (so far so good), but not all showed the PN.

Note: my devices are not in a battery saving mode