Publish event from handle error function in rest provider


I hope we could help me. I’am a beginner with ionic framework.
I have an app with a restfull api server side. I make a rest provider client to interact with this api :

In this provider i have a function to handle error in each request. When the status code is 401 i would like to publish an event “session:expired” to catch it in my app.component.ts to redirect user to login page.

For example a sample of my code :

export class RestProvider {
myApiUrl = https://......

  constructor(public http: HttpClient,
              public loadingCtrl: LoadingController,
              public loader: LoaderProvider,
              public events: Events) {

  getUsers(params=null): Observable<Student[]> {            
    return this.http.get(this.myApiUrl + "/users", { params: params, headers:this.customHeader })


private handleError (error: Response | any) {

    if(error.status == 401)
      console.log("Status Error 401 : " + error.status);'session:expired');

    return ......

My problem : the “this.event.publish” in the handleError(or extractData) function doesn’t work and break/freeze my App with no error in console ??

if i publish an event in the getUsers function that’s work(but no interest) :

  getUsers(params=null): Observable<Student[]> {     'session:expired');
    return this.http.get(this.myApiUrl + "/users", { params: params, headers:this.customHeader })

Is it possible to publish event in map or catch function of http object ? maybe i have not the “good practice” ?

Thanks you in advance and sorry for my english :confused:

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did you found any soulaton for this ?

Disclaimer: I have always disliked Events, so if you’re looking for a solution that reanimates them from the dustbin, you can skip the rest of this post.

What I would do here is to write an HttpInterceptor that watches all requests for errors and performs the navigation redirect as appropriate.