Projects not running since CLI update 3.7.0

Ever since the new update for ionic CLI 3.7.0, I’ve not been able to run my projects at all. I tried downgrading my version back to 3.6.0 but it still doesn’t work. I was also asked to update my cordova plugin from 1.5.0 to 1.6.2 and my ionic-angular plugin from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1. I tried uninstalling those plugins and reinstalling them to their previous versions as well. Nothing is working. What should I do ?

Start by describing what “not been able to run” actually means.
Also post your ionic info output inside and outside a project directory.
If one of those gives you an error, also include npm list -g --depth=0.

When I run ionic serve in a project, it stops after “build dev started …” and returns to the command directory

What do you mean by post your ionic info output inside and outside a project directory ? How do I do that?

On the command line go to your project, type ionic info and press enter. Copy the result and post it here.
Do the same outside of your Ionic project folder.

Inside the project :

@ionic/cli-plugin-cordova       : 1.6.2
@ionic/cli-plugin-ionic-angular : 1.4.1
@ionic/cli-utils                : 1.7.0
ionic (Ionic CLI)               : 3.7.0

global packages:

Cordova CLI : 7.0.1

local packages:

@ionic/app-scripts : 2.0.0
Cordova Platforms  : android 5.2.2
Ionic Framework    : ionic-angular 3.5.0


Android SDK Tools : 23.0.0
Node              : v7.7.3
OS                : Windows 10
npm               : 4.1.2

Outside the project :

   @ionic/cli-utils  : 1.6.0 

ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.6.0 (


Android SDK Tools : 23.0.0
Node              : v7.7.3
OS                : Windows 10
npm               : 4.1.2

You have a global installation of Ionic 3.6 and a local of 3.7 - these should be identical.
Upgrade the global one by running npm install -g ionic@latest.

I updated the global one to 3.7.0 :

@ionic/cli-utils  : 1.7.0
ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.7.0


Android SDK Tools : 23.0.0
Node              : v7.7.3
OS                : Windows 10
npm               : 4.1.2

Still not able to launch my project : It stops after “build dev started…” Should I follow your steps in the other thread and downgrade ?

Please look for issues at first and create one if you can’t find one. Then post the link to the issue here (and all the other threads about the same issue here in the forum you are aware of please).

Referred to the link and found a post that gave me a temporary solution I guess :

Once you close the terminal window and the browser window and relaunch the app, everything works fine. Of course, once I’m in the browser and try to the launch the app again , I get the same issue. Maybe that’s just part of the new update : running more than one project isn’t allowed

I can’t imagine that. This looks like a proper bug that will be fixed soon. Maybe comment that you have the same problem and provide a link to this forum topic.

Sure. Thanks for your help ! We can close the issue