Programatically check ion-radio inside two ngFor

I have to make a ion radio checked automatically based on the data in a list.

this is my code:

 <div *ngFor="let item of prelevementToDisplay">
            <ion-list radio-group *ngFor="let type of normePrelevementList; let i = index" [(ngModel)]="checkNorme">              
              <div *ngIf=" === item.normePrelevement">
                  <ion-label>{{}} </ion-label>
                  <ion-radio [checked]="true"  value="{{}}"></ion-radio>
              <div *ngIf="!== item.normePrelevement">
                  <ion-radio value="{{}}"></ion-radio>

nothing change. How can i resolve it ?

checked based on what exactly?

if the === item.normePrelevement then the ion radio will be checked

but only one radio can be checked at once

checked=" === item.normePrelevement"

I romove the ngif. I try with your proposition. It seems to be rational but nothing changed: the ion radio is not checked.
i test the equality by using {{ === item.normePrelevement}}. It display true but the radio button is not checked

I see, but I dont know why it doesnt work this way

I figure out the problem.

<ion-list radio-group *ngFor="let type of normePrelevementList; let i = index" [(ngModel)]="checkNorme">       
                  <ion-label>{{}} </ion-label>
                  <ion-radio   [checked]="true" value="{{checkNorme}}"></ion-radio>


i undestrand know the strange behaviour. The value of ngmodel is null.
we need to set the checkNorme before we expose the dom

<ion-list radio-group *ngFor="let type of normePrelevementList; let i = index" [(ngModel)]="checkNorme">       
                  <ion-label>{{}} </ion-label>
                  <ion-radio  value="{{}}"></ion-radio>