Problems with tabs and segments navigation using Ionic into an Electron app

I have an Electron program that executes an Ionic app created with the tabs template.
This app shows two problems:

-Tabs: the tab navigation buttons do not correspond to the page being displayed. That is, after changing sometimes the chosen tab, if I choose a tab another time, the correct page is displayed but, in the navigation bar, the chosen tab doesn’t change.

-Segments: Changing a segment doesn’t work. That is if I choose another segment nothing happens.

If I execute the app in the browser with “ionic serve -lcs” it works well.
Which could be the problem?
How can I debug it?

I’m using Electron 2.0.8 and Ionic 4.1.1.

Thank you


I’ve found that the problem is in the file app.components.ts where I wrote:

   platform.ready().then(() => {
      this.pages = [
        { title: 'Settings', component: SettingsPage },

      if (settings.getIsDesktopApp()){

        // Sono nell'App DESKTOP
        this.settings.isUserLogged.subscribe((value) => {
          if (true === value) {
		} else {

where settings.isUserLogged is defined as a Behaviour.

export class SettingsProvider {

  public isUserLogged: BehaviorSubject<boolean> = new BehaviorSubject(false);

So something is wrong with the use of “this.settings.isUserLogged.subscribe”.
I’ve to found another way to do this.


I’ve solved in this way:

  1. I’ve removed the subscription to the Behavior in the file: app.components.ts replacing this code:
if (settings.getIsDesktopApp()){
        // Sono nell'App DESKTOP
        this.settings.isUserLogged.subscribe((value) => {
          if (true === value) {

with this code:

if (settings.getIsDesktopApp()){
  1. I’ve used the behaviour in the costructor of the first page:
  constructor(private settings:SettingsProvider,
              private wsmanager: WsmanagerProvider,
              private qrcodemanager: QrcodemanagerProvider) {
    // Init data
    console.log('DashboardPage constructor');
    settings.isUserLogged.subscribe((value) => {
      console.log('isUserLogged subscribe:', value);
      if (true === value) {

Now I haven’t problems with the navigation of Tabs and Segments.