Problems with ngx translation in ts


I have 2 differents problems when i have to use the translation module in my ts files :

First one :

This work fine :

lockAlert() {
      this.translate.get(['PROMPT.LOCK_ALERT.TITLE']).subscribe(res => {
        this.lockAlertTranslatePrompt_1 = res;
      this.translate.get('PROMPT.LOCK_ALERT.SUBTITLE').subscribe(res => {
        this.lockAlertTranslatePrompt_2 = res;
      this.translate.get('PROMPT.LOCK_ALERT.BUTTON').subscribe(res => {
        this.lockAlertTranslatePrompt_3 = res;
      let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
        title: this.lockAlertTranslatePrompt_1,
        subTitle: this.lockAlertTranslatePrompt_2,
        buttons: [this.lockAlertTranslatePrompt_3]

But with “better” code :

I don’t know how to read a json array…

 lockAlert() {
        res => {    
      let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
        title: res.TEST,
        subTitle: res.PROMPT.LOCK_ALERT.SUBTITLE,
        buttons: ['test']


I can get TEST, but i don’t know how access to my JSON array. : res.PROMPT.LOCK_ALERT.SUBTITLE get me an error.

The json file :

"TEST": "testeee",
			"TITLE": "Commande impossible",
			"SUBTITLE": "Déverrouiller au préalable la porte pour la commander",
			"BUTTON": "Ok"
			"TITLE": "Connection"


Second problem :

With a confirm alert, so an alert with buttons… My strings are not translated, i have no idea why.
This alert is launched directly on the first page, and at this time strings are not translated. But if i go on an other page and go back on this one, my strings are translated…
I detect the langage in app.component.ts constructor and put translate.setDefaultLang and translate.reloadLang in this constructor according to the langage detected…

It’s like it’s no charged at the beginning, but i thought that the properties are updated when we get the observable :confused:

here the code :

presentConfirmPerms(havePerms) {

  let trans: any = {};

     res => {
      let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
        title: res.TEST,
        message: res.TEST,
        buttons: [
            text: res.TEST,
            role: res.TEST,
            handler: () => {
              console.log('clicked Cancel');
            text: res.TEST,
            handler: () => {
              console.log('clicked go for android Perms'),
              this.androidPermissions.requestPermissions([this.androidPermissions.PERMISSION.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION,this.androidPermissions.PERMISSION.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, this.androidPermissions.PERMISSION.ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS])

Thanks in advance for you answers.

Is it actually possible to pass multiple values or, to be more specifique, an Array with this.translate.get() ?

 lockAlert() {
      let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
        title: this.translate.get(['PROMPT.LOCK_ALERT.TITLE']),
        subTitle: this.translate.get('PROMPT.LOCK_ALERT.SUBTITLE'),
        buttons: [this.translate.get('PROMPT.LOCK_ALERT.BUTTON')]


Wouldn’t that be the easiest solution, if working?

EDIT: My bad, didn’t know it’s an observable… it doesn’t work like this sadly.

Hm, i think we have to subscribe to an observable.

And sadly I’m facing exact the same error as you do, so if you found a Solution please tell me :slight_smile:
I’m also searching for one…

 let something: string = this.translate.instant('YOUR_KEY');
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Is there not any risks to use this instead of an async function ?
I would idealy keep the code like it is write, but want to know how to access to a json array…

For my second problem, i figure it out :
I have to define the root page after platform.ready().then, so all plugins are loaded, and the langage selection things too.

Yes and now, depends where you use it. But agree with you, even if .instant is quite performant.

Ok, finally got it :

I’m still a little confused with object/array, i used to write C for uC (and it still my job excepted this app…)
I just send it to the consol log and it saw me how write it :confused:

Write :

 lockAlert() {
        res => {    
      let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
        title: res.TEST,
        subTitle: res["PROMPT.LOCK_ALERT.SUBTITLE"],
        buttons: ['test']

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I was facing the same problem. and this is how i solve it. this is my ts file alert method

 async presentAlert() {
    const alert = await this.alertController.create({
      header: this.translate.instant('Alert'),
      subHeader: this.translate.instant('empty_fields'),
      message: this.translate.instant('enter_fields'),
      buttons: [this.translate.instant('ok')]

    await alert.present();

and this is my JSON File

"Alert": "Alert",
    "empty_fields": "Empty Fields",
    "enter_fields": "Enter Required Fields!!",
    "ok": "OK",

this is for ionic 4 and angular 7