I’m to use the Google Maps Native API with ionic 2 but I got some errors at the initialization of the objet.
I installed the Cordova Plugin with my API KEY, I enabled the Google Maps Android API on the Google Developper console. I just import all the objects like this :
import {Geolocation, GoogleMap, GoogleMapsEvent, GoogleMapsLatLng} from 'ionic-native';
In order to run this plugin, you need to obtain Google Maps API key for Android.
Visit https://github.com/mapsplugin/cordova-plugin-googlemaps/wiki/Installation
Check our release notes.
But my API key is a correct Google API Key, and I don’t knwo why is says this. Also, I found that in the config.xml and in the pacakge.json, the plugin is not mentioned, but I have the folder plugin.google.maps in the plugins directory, so I think that the sources of the plugin are installed but not correctly set in the different files, and I don’t know how to fix this
I know its too late to reply but this will help some one who is facing same issues. Once you create the API key by providing your package name and SHA1 in google developer console. You have to enable access to Google Maps Android API. You can enable it by following.
Login to your google developer console.
Click on the Dashboard left menu.
You will see enable API at the top of the page, click on it.
In the Google Map section click on Google Maps Android API.
At the top of the page click on Enable button.
Try after some time, you will be able to access Maps in your Ionic app now.