Problem with switching tabs

I have a problem with tabs views ,my situation is like this i have page for viewing some info(messages),when i click each message i need to switch my current view to other tabs inner view according to the message info
My problem is this, when i try to switch the view ,view tittle get changed(resultant view title) but view is being same and when i manually goes my required page i can see the data is binded

      .state('notifications', {
        url: '/notifications',
        parent: 'tabs',
        views: {
            'tabs-notifications': {
                templateUrl: 'Templates/Notifications.html',

this is my view message state

.state('addUserView', {
    url: '/addUserView/::enquiryViewId',
    parent: 'tabs',
    views: {
        'adminDashBoard-tab': {
            templateUrl: 'Templates/AddUserView.html',
            controller: 'userRegistration'
.state('addUserView.adminAddUser', {
     url: '/adminAddUser/:enquiryViewId',
     templateUrl: 'Templates/adminAddUser.html',
    controller: 'userRegistration'

this is one of my state where i need to go

 if (data.NotificationType == "RegEnquiry") {
            $state.go('addUserView.adminAddUser', { enquiryViewId: data.NotificationId });

this the code iam using to swich the state