Problem with setting ion-item height 100% with json data in it using <p> tag

Hi everyone.

Now I am having a list of ion-items which is using to displaying the data inside a json file, while those data are printed with p tag.

I want to set the height of the list as 100% which is fit with the screen height. I have tried to use height:100% in the div and also in the ion-item, but it doesn’t work.

Moreover, I have tried to set the height of ion-item as a small vh (like height:10vh), but the data I am displaying from json is then partly covered.

Is that a problem with the p tag / font size? I have tried to adjust it but it doesnt work. Or I should adjust the default font size in sass? If so, how can I recompile the css file after making changes on sass so such to make them work??