Posting data using http request

Bellow written is a dynamic form being bult using JSON i want to add a submit button to it.

<ion-item *ngFor="let form of formVal.questions">
    <ion-label stacked >{{form.question}} </ion-label>
        <ion-input *ngIf="form.elementSlug ==='text'" placeholder="{{form.fieldPlaceHolder}}" type="text"></ion-input>
        <ion-input *ngIf="form.elementSlug ==='number'" placeholder="{{form.fieldPlaceHolder}}" type="number"></ion-input>
        <ion-input *ngIf="form.elementSlug ==='email'" placeholder="{{form.fieldPlaceHolder}}" type="email"></ion-input>
        <ion-input *ngIf="form.elementSlug ==='password'" placeholder="{{form.fieldPlaceHolder}}" type="password"></ion-input>
        <ion-textarea *ngIf="form.elementSlug ==='textarea'" placeholder="{{form.fieldPlaceHolder}}" ></ion-textarea>
        <ion-select *ngIf="form.elementSlug === 'radio'">
        <ion-option *ngFor="let option of form.options">{{option.optionLabel}}</ion-option>
      <ion-select *ngIf="form.elementSlug === 'checkbox'" multiple="true" >
        <ion-option *ngFor="let option of form.options">{{option.optionLabel}}</ion-option>

on submittion the data will again be sent via http request . i am naive plz explain in detail


One good place to start is the documentation. this one should help you to build the form correctly and with the submit button. once you have it in a provider this will help you to make the http request. Google is also your friend, read this and if you have a doubt after post here and the community will help :smiley:

JSON for Form-

  "status": "success",
  "message": "Form Successfully Fetched!",
  "newData": [
      "languagePreference": "both",
      "formName": "New2",
      "ptFormName": "Nova2",
      "description": "New",
      "ptDescription": "Nova",
      "questions": [
          "isActive": "1",
          "questionId": "2",
          "elementId": "2",
          "question": "Date",
          "ptQuestion": "Encontro",
          "fieldPlaceHolder": "",
          "ptFieldPlaceHolder": "",
          "isRequired": "false",
          "elementSlug": "date",
          "element_type": "input",
          "orderNo": "1"
          "isActive": "1",
          "questionId": "1",
          "elementId": "1",
          "question": "A",
          "ptQuestion": "Ab",
          "fieldPlaceHolder": "",
          "ptFieldPlaceHolder": "",
          "isRequired": "true",
          "elementSlug": "text",
          "element_type": "input",
          "orderNo": "2"
      "companyId": 4,
      "company_id": 4,
      "createdAt": 1545990962117,
      "updatedAt": 1545991095532,
      "id": "5c25f3325ba1fe5848550da2",
      "formId": 3

using this JSON i am running loop to print the forms as per requirement set into JSON
but The Official documentation is not helpin as i can not define Unique [(ngModel)] for every element plz guide.

the loop can be seen bellow

<ion-item *ngFor="let form of formVal.questions">
    <ion-label stacked >{{form.question}} </ion-label>
        <ion-input *ngIf="form.elementSlug ==='text'" placeholder="{{form.fieldPlaceHolder}}" type="text"></ion-input>
        <ion-input *ngIf="form.elementSlug ==='number'" placeholder="{{form.fieldPlaceHolder}}" type="number"></ion-input>
        <ion-input *ngIf="form.elementSlug ==='email'" placeholder="{{form.fieldPlaceHolder}}" type="email"></ion-input>
        <ion-input *ngIf="form.elementSlug ==='password'" placeholder="{{form.fieldPlaceHolder}}" type="password"></ion-input>
        <ion-textarea *ngIf="form.elementSlug ==='textarea'" placeholder="{{form.fieldPlaceHolder}}" ></ion-textarea>
        <ion-select *ngIf="form.elementSlug === 'radio'">
        <ion-option *ngFor="let option of form.options">{{option.optionLabel}}</ion-option>
      <ion-select *ngIf="form.elementSlug === 'checkbox'" multiple="true" >
        <ion-option *ngFor="let option of form.options">{{option.optionLabel}}</ion-option>