Post captured picture to second view

hi guys
i need to pass a captured picture to an other view (submission form, with text and image view).
capturing picture goes well, but don’t know how to do the next step.
plz look to :


any help?

$scope.takePicture = function() {

	var options =   {
		quality: 50,
		destinationType: destinationType,
		sourceType: pictureSource,
		encodingType: 0
	if (!
		// error handling
			console.log('pas de caméra');
		function (imageURI) {
				console.log("got camera success ", imageURI);
				$scope.mypicture = imageURI;
		function (err) {
			console.log("got camera error ", err);

and my “app.posttrip” controller :

.controller('PostTripCtrl', function($scope, $stateParams, $state) {
	$scope.image = $scope.$parent.mypicture;

code here Demo application MyPhotoDiary