Posible beta14 view cache freeze app when visit shared tab view

When the view cache is enabled, my view will freeze randomly, it could be relates to my current routing setup, because I am using tab views, and with each tab, I have shared sub routes, so the same view/controller can be access in different tabs. I had to duplicate my routes for each tab (Not sure if this is the right way). I think this is the problem when I enable the cache, when I access the same page using different tab routes one after another, the page will freeze. I tried to eliminate other cause, but when I disabled the cache by
it start to work properly.

Here is an example of my duplicate routing setup

  .state('main.tab1-form', {
  url: '/tab1/form',
  views: {
    'tab2': {
      templateUrl: 'templates/form.html',
      controller: 'Ctrl'

  .state('main.tab2-form', {
  url: '/tab2/form',
  views: {
    'tab2': {
      templateUrl: 'templates/form.html',
      controller: 'Ctrl'

Can someone take a look at this? What should be the workaround when design the tab navigation in this case? or if there is any fix for the cache issue.

related to: Access Same View From Multiple Tabs

Anyone? What is the proper way to handle access the same view from multiple tabs?