Popover doesn't show backdrop

Hi Ionites, I’ve been in a strange situation where my popover doesn’t show backdrop… Any idea? Thanks


<ion-header-bar align-title="center" class="bar-assertive">
       <div class="buttons">
              <button menu-toggle="left" class="button button-icon icon ion-navicon"></button>
       <h2 class="title">Messages</h2>
       <div class="buttons">
              <button class="button button-icon ion-android-more-vertical" ng-click="openPopover($event)">


$ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl('templates/popover1.html', {
          scope: $scope,
    }).then(function(popover) {
         $scope.popover = popover;

 $scope.openPopover = function($event) {
$scope.closePopover = function() {
  //Cleanup the popover when we're done with it!
 $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
 // Execute action on hidden popover
$scope.$on('popover.hidden', function() {
 // Execute action
// Execute action on remove popover
$scope.$on('popover.removed', function() {
 // Execute action

I added in my css and it works now… I don’t know what was wrong… Any insights?

background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) !important;


.backdrop.active {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) !important;

Also, did you check for any html errors in your templates/popover1.html

nothing was wrong with the popover.html… Don’t know why but only the popover has no backdrop when showing… while the rest like modals, popup etc. has backdrop…