Plugin Network-Information doesn't work in IOS with internet connection

Hello everybody :smiley:

Sorry for my english i’m french :smile:
It’s not a issue with ionic but with cordova plugin, ionic work perfectly
I develop a mobile app with cordova 3.4.1 and ionic and i have success to build with Android, but with IOS i have a issue.

My app doesn’t work with a Network-Information plugin on IOS ( but work with android ), when i launch my app unless Internet connection ( 3G data mobile …) it’s ok, my app work.

But when i launch my app with already a active internet connection, i have a infinite loader at beginning…

I have forget anything ?

Help me please, it’s a last thing for finish my app =)

Thank a lot

@Maxime: Did you solve this issue in the end?

I actually wrote a step by step tutorial on how to create an application that uses the $cordovaNetwork plugin, and you can take a look at it here:

This is an older post, and I hope anyone new searching this post will find it valuable - please let me know if it proves to be helpful for you.

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