I had success making it work on both IOS and Android. Simply with this :
<a href="tel:+0123456789">
<access origin="tel:*" launch-external="yes"/>
Since you did it well, I would suggest you to try it without ng-href see if a simple href works already, if it does that may help you figure out where is the issue. Good luck…
yes, of course, I wouldn’t have answered if it wasn’t the case It works on a Nexus 5, a Oneplus One and an Iphone 5 at least. Those are the ones I tested on.
Have you tried regular href and static phone number in place of ng-href ?
I had a similar problem in that the phonepad wasn’t coming up on iOS devices. I tried all the suggestions here and I was still unsuccessful. The answer lied in swapping ng-href for href as suggested and adding <allow-intent href="tel:*" /> to the config.xml. Hopefully helpful to someone else