Perform CRUD operations step by step using ionic and postgresql

I am learning the IONIC Framework, i would like to learn step by step how i can link a postgresql database and perfom CRUD operations, the backend i will use nodejs to link Postgresql database and hope have at the end IONIC mobile interface that can perform these CRUD to my postgresql database.


This isn’t really an Ionic question. You would communicate with your Node backend through standard API calls in your Ionic app. Creating the Node backend with Postgres is out of scope for this forum :upside_down_face:

i didn’t explained well my intention, i want to know how do the call to these APIs, it’s the same like the others databases like firebase or sqlite?

if there is some tutoriels to learn this it will be my pleasure.


The API endpoints I am referring to would be created by you in your Node backend. You would call them using a standard fetch or a library like Axios in your Ionic app.

I have not used Firebase but I believe it does allow you to connect to it directly from your Ionic app (any JS app). Authentication would have to be set up correctly following Firebase’s best practices. SQLite would typically be local in your app on the user’s device.

I think I’ve seen a native library to connect to a Postgres DB directly but that is definitely not best practice.

i want specifically use Postgres DB, is there an alternative to connect with this native library, any tutoriel step by step please, i am a beginner

Your best bet is going to be to create a REST API in Node (if that’s what you want to use) to act as the backend that your Ionic/mobile app connects to. Your backend would handle all the communication to your database.

rest api in nodejs - Google Search should give you some insight.

Hello, thanks for your orientation, yes it’s exactly what i want to do, please if you have any tutorial or step by step of any example about how to do this from ionic side, supposing the REST API is done backend side.

best greetings

Both of those links have examples. There is nothing special for making API calls in an Ionic app. It will be done like any other JS app.


okay brother, thank you very much. i will try to do it, for now i’m training the ionic framwork (frontend) when finish i try the rest api call.

have a nice day