Passing parameters to sidemenu navigation

Hello, does Ionic2 have method to pass parameter using sidemenu navigation?

I am trying this with no success (very likely since navparams is not part of‘nav’) I assume)

openPage(page) { // Reset the content nav to have just this page // we wouldn't want the back button to show in this scenario let nav ='nav'); console.log(nav); nav.setRoot(page.component, {oprAccount: nav.get("oprAccount"),oprPin: nav.get("oprPin")}); }

Previously I also try this with injection error. import {App,IonicApp,Platform,MenuController,NavController,NavParams} from 'ionic-framework/ionic'; openPage(page) { ... // Reset the content nav to have just this page // we wouldn't want the back button to show in this scenario let nav ='nav'); console.log(nav); nav.setRoot(page.component, {oprAccount: navParams.get("oprAccount"),oprPin: navParams.get("oprPin")}); }

Goal :
to send navparams when navigating from sidemenu.

I know that one way to do this is using service injection but I wonder whether ionic2 have this feature

similar reference using tabpage

no news about that problem?

anything new about this issue?

@fabiobalsamo @drakvlina No news about parameter passing on sidemenu. I ended up using global services instead which seems more viable solution and can be used for anything else also.
