I am trying to pass event.scrollTop value from parent component to child components, created with *ngFor. How can I bind variable in child component to update its value every time user scrolls the content?
In parent component I have:
export class HomePage {
@ViewChild(Content) content: Content;
scrolled: number;
ngOnInit() {
this.content.ionScroll.subscribe(event => this.listenScroll(event));
this.scrolled = e.scrollTop;
In my home.html I have:
<ion-list id="ion-list">
<news-item *ngFor='let item of items' [item]='item' [scrolled]='scrolled'></news-item>
In child component I have:
export class NewsItem implements OnChanges {
@Input() item: any;
@Input() scrolled: number;
And in child html I have:
<div id="{{ item.id }}">
<span>{{ scrolled }}</span>
So when I scroll and this.scrolled value is updated in parent component, it is not updated in child component. How can I update it’s value inside child component?