I would like to know how I can open others apps in my phone like Youtube or the native video player. I have a lot of problems embedding videos with the cordova video player. Indeed, I know that the tag doesn’t work very well in Android devices.
I want to create a sharing video app and I’ve implemented a solution that I thought that it would work:
The videos are uploaded from the Camera to my server using cordova FileTransfer
I’m using the module ffmpeg in backend to get a thumbnail from my video (.mp4)
I show the thumbnails in my device
When user wants to see a video, tap on the thumbnails and video file is downloaded from the server and is located in the device (in a project folder)
Until here, everything is working well. I’ve failed in the next and last step.
I’ve tried a lot of options.
For example, if your link is of format market://details?id=com.example.app , the play store market will be opened with the listing of the app with the id com.example.app as the landing page.
I’m not sure about the structure of the youtube:// links though
have you achieved to solve the problem?
I have similar problem , but In my case i try to download from the server and the file is located in the device (in the folder that retrieves cordova.file.dataDirectory ) . ths folder is supposed to be /data/data/app-id/files/
I use this code:
var targetPath = cordova.file.dataDirectory + video_SD;
$cordovaFileTransfer.download(server_url_video, targetPath, {}, true).then(function(result) {
// Success!
alert("Ok la descarga: "+ JSON.stringify(result));
but when i look inside this folder, nothing appears:
maybe is a matter of permissions? does anybody know what is happening? thank you in advance
“cordova.file.dataDirectory” it points the path of apps data directory and i can’t be acessed outside d app . if u want to acess it u need to embed player into app to access the file or else u can try “cordova.file.externalDataDirectory” to view the contents in sdcard