One ion-tab bigger than the others

Please send me your offer to replicate the following tabs.

I am only looking for the css to make the middle tab bigger than the others.


It’s a quick and easy job in order to do a lot more…

I am still looking for someone to code this quickly. Please reply to me with your quote. I need this job to be done asap.

as info: do not try to style the ionTabs :slight_smile: --> add a footerbar with the button to navigate to the specific tab and positionate the center-button absolute.

hello @herve76

I can help you add me on skype: robert.cisin or mail me

Looking forward to hear from you


I am still looking for someone to code this quickly. Please reply to me with your quote. I need this job to be done asap.

Hey herve,
I can help you with this. You can contact me on skype: salman.ullah15

Did anyone figure this out?

Do you have the example code?

Does anyone have any idea how this can be done?

I presume @bengtler’s suggestion is to use footer-bar entirely right?

Thank you in advance! :grinning:

Also keen to see if anyone has any suggestions or examples on this style of centred footer button

Use a fab-button which would go on top of the tabs default icon.

Do you have an example?

I don’t have an example but this is what I would look at if I want to implement it.