On Resume Called Multiple Times on Android Only

The Ionic app calls the “$ionicPlatform.on(“resume”, function(){})” once for iOS but on the Android platform it is being called multiple times depending on how many times your have resumed. If you have closed (not forced quit) the app by hitting “home” and then resumed for the 10th time then “resume” is called 10 times and “deviceready” once even though app has already been initialized. If you have closed (not forced quit) the app by hitting “home” and then resumed for the 11th time then “resume” is called 11 times and “deviceready” once even though app has already been initialized. It appears as if multiple instances are running but the running process list only shows one process running for the app. Why would “resume” get called multiple times on Android. This does not occur on iOS which only calls “resume” once.

does this still happening??.. I have the same issue on android, but in certain devices.