On first install/update of app, stuck on splash screen. If app reopened, works perfectly fine (xcode debug help)

First off, please see the plunker for related files, the Xcode debugging output below, and if someone can help me out i’ll PayPal them a bunch of coffee’s worth of cash. I need help identifying what’s causing the app to hang first time around, and also any unnecessary things loading.


My app doesn’t like to get past the splash screen on it’s first open/run after it has been installed for the first time or updated. The Xcode debug window is below. The start to finish is all that shows after first opening the app. The last line is where it just stops and leaves the splash screen spinning forever. If you close the app (double click home button and swipe up) and reopen, the splash is up for about 3 seconds and it enters the app.

I have console messages for pretty much everything (splash clear, login page loaded, home page loaded, etc etc). I took this project over and am not sure which plugins/dependencies are needed.

Xcode Debugging on 1st app run/install when it stops on the splash screen:

> 2018-09-21 13:24:09.222191-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] DiskCookieStorage changing policy from 2 to 0, cookie file: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/15585FE2-D2B5-4CA5-91B8-D4A4D0A78F3B/Library/Cookies/Cookies.binarycookies
> 2018-09-21 13:24:09.432657-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Apache Cordova native platform version 4.5.5 is starting.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:09.432901-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Multi-tasking -> Device: YES, App: YES
> 2018-09-21 13:24:09.474032-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] CDVWKWebViewEngine: trying to inject XHR polyfill
> 2018-09-21 13:24:09.999800-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] CDVWKWebViewEngine will reload WKWebView if required on resume
> 2018-09-21 13:24:09.999995-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Using Ionic WKWebView
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.001922-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] [CDVTimer][console] 0.227928ms
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.002284-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] [CDVTimer][handleopenurl] 0.185013ms
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.006704-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Unlimited access to network resources
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.006907-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] [CDVTimer][intentandnavigationfilter] 4.558921ms
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.007121-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] [CDVTimer][gesturehandler] 0.154018ms
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.016289-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] [CDVTimer][file] 9.040952ms
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.016618-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Starting Firebase plugin
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.016659-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] [CDVTimer][firebaseplugin] 0.250936ms
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.042728-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] [CDVTimer][splashscreen] 25.997996ms
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.044790-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] [CDVTimer][ioniccordovacommon] 1.870990ms
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.045196-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] CDVIonicKeyboard: resize mode 1
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.047884-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] [CDVTimer][keyboard] 2.723098ms
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.073600-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] [CDVTimer][statusbar] 25.490999ms
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.074458-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] [CDVTimer][socialsharing] 0.661969ms
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.074595-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] [CDVTimer][TotalPluginStartup] 73.098063ms
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.085947-0400 Private Direct[359:13313] [MC] System group container for systemgroup.com.apple.configurationprofiles path is /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/systemgroup.com.apple.configurationprofiles
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.089023-0400 Private Direct[359:13313] [MC] Filtering mail sheet accounts for bundle ID: com.pdonboard.privatedirect, source account management: 1
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.105943-0400 Private Direct[359:13312] 4.13.0 - [Firebase/Core][I-COR000003] The default Firebase app has not yet been configured. Add `[FIRApp configure];` (`FirebaseApp.configure()` in Swift) to your application initialization. Read more: https://goo.gl/ctyzm8.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.206579-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Could not successfully update network info during initialization.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.310269-0400 Private Direct[359:13311] 4.13.0 - [Firebase/Crash][I-CRA000004] Successfully initialized
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.410343-0400 Private Direct[359:13311] 4.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023007] Firebase Analytics v.40200000 started
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.411029-0400 Private Direct[359:13311] 4.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023008] To enable debug logging set the following application argument: -FIRAnalyticsDebugEnabled (see http://goo.gl/RfcP7r)
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.690123-0400 Private Direct[359:13304] Could not successfully update network info during initialization.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:10.841368-0400 Private Direct[359:13304] 4.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM001000] FIRMessaging Remote Notifications proxy enabled, will swizzle remote notification receiver handlers. If you'd prefer to manually integrate Firebase Messaging, add "FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled" to your Info.plist, and set it to NO. Follow the instructions at:
> https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/ios/client#method_swizzling_in_firebase_messaging
> to ensure proper integration.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:11.048628-0400 Private Direct[359:13327] 4.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM002023] The object <AppDelegate: 0x100da9530> does not respond to -messaging:didReceiveRegistrationToken:, nor -messaging:didRefreshRegistrationToken:. Please implement -messaging:didReceiveRegistrationToken: to be provided with an FCM token.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:11.322193-0400 Private Direct[359:13312] TIC Read Status [1:0x0]: 1:57
> 2018-09-21 13:24:11.323855-0400 Private Direct[359:13312] TIC Read Status [1:0x0]: 1:57
> 2018-09-21 13:24:11.442337-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Connected to FCM.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:11.447650-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] InstanceID token: (null)
> 2018-09-21 13:24:14.408910-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] THREAD WARNING: ['Device'] took '10.315918' ms. Plugin should use a background thread.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:14.455850-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Ionic Native: deviceready event fired after 1318 ms
> 2018-09-21 13:24:14.458007-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Got Native app preferences: {
>     appId = ee062ef3;
>     channel = master;
>     debug = true;
>     host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
>     maxVersions = 2;
>     minBackgroundDuration = 30;
>     updateMethod = background;
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:14.458241-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] No custom config found
> 2018-09-21 13:24:14.458279-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] initing updates key
> 2018-09-21 13:24:14.458530-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Initialized App Prefs: {
>     appId = ee062ef3;
>     channel = master;
>     debug = true;
>     host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
>     maxVersions = 2;
>     minBackgroundDuration = 30;
>     updateMethod = background;
>     updates =     {
>     };
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:14.470428-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Got app info: {
>     binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>     binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>     bundleName = "com.pdonboard.privatedirect";
>     bundleVersion = "1.2.14";
>     device = "BBB7CD1F-5646-422D-BEFF-EF412732A321";
>     platform = ios;
>     platformVersion = "11.4.1";
>     version = "1.0.0";
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:14.516068-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Cleared splash flag.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.207404-0400 Private Direct[359:13330] TIC Read Status [4:0x0]: 1:57
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.207501-0400 Private Direct[359:13330] TIC Read Status [4:0x0]: 1:57
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.315753-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] InstanceID token: duJImKcy-Lw:APA91bGfkznfYnw77rumxPNznG8TGeRp_bEf8t5G6oAPMP2WfEGmFH_fn21kpL099qx-LasN2eEbeAtowf2nBsPksfCWzCD2dAtz3Ukhj6_6R_Y3FLDEAqYz4MqOUXrFHpTr0JANhLFh
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.345806-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Got prefs to save: {
>     appId = ee062ef3;
>     availableUpdate =     {
>         binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>         binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>         channel = master;
>         lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
>         state = available;
>         url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
>         versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
>     };
>     binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
>     binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>     binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>     channel = master;
>     debug = true;
>     host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
>     maxVersions = 2;
>     minBackgroundDuration = 30;
>     updateMethod = background;
>     updates =     {
>     };
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.352281-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Got Native app preferences: {
>     appId = ee062ef3;
>     channel = master;
>     debug = true;
>     host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
>     maxVersions = 2;
>     minBackgroundDuration = 30;
>     updateMethod = background;
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.352411-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] No custom config found
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.352928-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] found some saved prefs doing precedence ops: {
>     appId = ee062ef3;
>     availableUpdate =     {
>         binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>         binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>         channel = master;
>         lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
>         state = available;
>         url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
>         versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
>     };
>     binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
>     binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>     binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>     channel = master;
>     debug = true;
>     host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
>     maxVersions = 2;
>     minBackgroundDuration = 30;
>     updateMethod = background;
>     updates =     {
>     };
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.353309-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Returning saved prefs: {
>     appId = ee062ef3;
>     availableUpdate =     {
>         binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>         binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>         channel = master;
>         lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
>         state = available;
>         url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
>         versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
>     };
>     binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
>     binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>     binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>     channel = master;
>     debug = true;
>     host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
>     maxVersions = 2;
>     minBackgroundDuration = 30;
>     updateMethod = background;
>     updates =     {
>     };
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.425382-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Connected to FCM.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.432900-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] InstanceID token: duJImKcy-Lw:APA91bGfkznfYnw77rumxPNznG8TGeRp_bEf8t5G6oAPMP2WfEGmFH_fn21kpL099qx-LasN2eEbeAtowf2nBsPksfCWzCD2dAtz3Ukhj6_6R_Y3FLDEAqYz4MqOUXrFHpTr0JANhLFh
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.691665-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Starting IonicTimer CleanSnapshotDir
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.714105-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] No directory found for snapshot no need to delete
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.715036-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Finished IonicTimer CleanSnapshotDir in 0.032 seconds.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.717881-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Cleaned version directory
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.718147-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Starting IonicTimer CopyBaseApp
> 2018-09-21 13:24:15.959723-0400 Private Direct[359:13311] [MC] Reading from public effective user settings.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.031680-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Finished IonicTimer CopyBaseApp in 1.3 seconds.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.032066-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Copied base app resources
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.032357-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Downloading update...
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.032846-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Starting IonicTimer downloadTimer
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.033081-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] About to download 6 new files for update.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.041296-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] -[CDVFileTransfer download:] [Line 423] File Transfer downloading file...
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.046238-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] -[CDVFileTransfer download:] [Line 423] File Transfer downloading file...
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.049423-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] -[CDVFileTransfer download:] [Line 423] File Transfer downloading file...
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.063354-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] -[CDVFileTransfer download:] [Line 423] File Transfer downloading file...
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.066505-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] -[CDVFileTransfer download:] [Line 423] File Transfer downloading file...
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.069308-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] -[CDVFileTransfer download:] [Line 423] File Transfer downloading file...
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.229932-0400 Private Direct[359:13328] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connection:didReceiveResponse:] [Line 771] Streaming to file /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/15585FE2-D2B5-4CA5-91B8-D4A4D0A78F3B/Library/NoCloud/ionic_built_snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/build/main.css.map
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.238265-0400 Private Direct[359:13305] File Transfer Finished with response code 200
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.240018-0400 Private Direct[359:13305] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connectionDidFinishLoading:] [Line 637] File Transfer Download success
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.373411-0400 Private Direct[359:13330] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connection:didReceiveResponse:] [Line 771] Streaming to file /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/15585FE2-D2B5-4CA5-91B8-D4A4D0A78F3B/Library/NoCloud/ionic_built_snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/build/vendor.js.map
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.381294-0400 Private Direct[359:13327] -[CDVFileTransferEntityLengthRequest initWithOriginalRequest:andDelegate:] [Line 574] Requesting entity length for GZIPped content...
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.382680-0400 Private Direct[359:13328] -[CDVFileTransferEntityLengthRequest initWithOriginalRequest:andDelegate:] [Line 574] Requesting entity length for GZIPped content...
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.396649-0400 Private Direct[359:13327] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connection:didReceiveResponse:] [Line 771] Streaming to file /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/15585FE2-D2B5-4CA5-91B8-D4A4D0A78F3B/Library/NoCloud/ionic_built_snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/build/main.css
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.404740-0400 Private Direct[359:13328] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connection:didReceiveResponse:] [Line 771] Streaming to file /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/15585FE2-D2B5-4CA5-91B8-D4A4D0A78F3B/Library/NoCloud/ionic_built_snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/build/main.js
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.406277-0400 Private Direct[359:13328] -[CDVFileTransferEntityLengthRequest initWithOriginalRequest:andDelegate:] [Line 574] Requesting entity length for GZIPped content...
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.416023-0400 Private Direct[359:13330] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connection:didReceiveResponse:] [Line 771] Streaming to file /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/15585FE2-D2B5-4CA5-91B8-D4A4D0A78F3B/Library/NoCloud/ionic_built_snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/build/vendor.js
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.427005-0400 Private Direct[359:13312] File Transfer Finished with response code 200
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.427390-0400 Private Direct[359:13328] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connection:didReceiveResponse:] [Line 771] Streaming to file /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/15585FE2-D2B5-4CA5-91B8-D4A4D0A78F3B/Library/NoCloud/ionic_built_snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/build/main.js.map
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.427932-0400 Private Direct[359:13312] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connectionDidFinishLoading:] [Line 637] File Transfer Download success
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.449351-0400 Private Direct[359:13353] File Transfer Finished with response code 200
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.450221-0400 Private Direct[359:13353] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connectionDidFinishLoading:] [Line 637] File Transfer Download success
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.571490-0400 Private Direct[359:13330] File Transfer Finished with response code 200
> 2018-09-21 13:24:17.595788-0400 Private Direct[359:13330] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connectionDidFinishLoading:] [Line 637] File Transfer Download success
> 2018-09-21 13:24:24.462577-0400 Private Direct[359:13327] TIC Read Status [13:0x0]: 1:57
> 2018-09-21 13:24:24.462663-0400 Private Direct[359:13327] TIC Read Status [13:0x0]: 1:57
> 2018-09-21 13:24:24.566783-0400 Private Direct[359:13313] File Transfer Finished with response code 200
> 2018-09-21 13:24:24.603719-0400 Private Direct[359:13313] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connectionDidFinishLoading:] [Line 637] File Transfer Download success
> 2018-09-21 13:24:24.765624-0400 Private Direct[359:13313] TIC Read Status [14:0x0]: 1:57
> 2018-09-21 13:24:24.765730-0400 Private Direct[359:13313] TIC Read Status [14:0x0]: 1:57
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.375353-0400 Private Direct[359:13353] File Transfer Finished with response code 200
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.421915-0400 Private Direct[359:13353] -[CDVFileTransferDelegate connectionDidFinishLoading:] [Line 637] File Transfer Download success
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.432969-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Message: downloaded batch 0 of 6 downloads Done downloading all 6 files Diff IonicTimer downloadTimer in 8.401 seconds.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.434606-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Finished IonicTimer downloadTimer in 8.402 seconds.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.435315-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] IonicTimer extra Downloaded 6 files
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.437220-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Got prefs to save: {
>     appId = ee062ef3;
>     availableUpdate =     {
>         binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>         binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>         channel = master;
>         lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
>         state = pending;
>         url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
>         versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
>     };
>     binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
>     binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>     binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>     channel = master;
>     debug = true;
>     host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
>     maxVersions = 2;
>     minBackgroundDuration = 30;
>     updateMethod = background;
>     updates =     {
>     };
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.445480-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Got Native app preferences: {
>     appId = ee062ef3;
>     channel = master;
>     debug = true;
>     host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
>     maxVersions = 2;
>     minBackgroundDuration = 30;
>     updateMethod = background;
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.445618-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] No custom config found
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.446057-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] found some saved prefs doing precedence ops: {
>     appId = ee062ef3;
>     availableUpdate =     {
>         binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>         binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>         channel = master;
>         lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
>         state = pending;
>         url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
>         versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
>     };
>     binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
>     binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>     binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>     channel = master;
>     debug = true;
>     host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
>     maxVersions = 2;
>     minBackgroundDuration = 30;
>     updateMethod = background;
>     updates =     {
>     };
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.446628-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Returning saved prefs: {
>     appId = ee062ef3;
>     availableUpdate =     {
>         binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>         binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>         channel = master;
>         lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
>         state = pending;
>         url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
>         versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
>     };
>     binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
>     binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>     binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>     channel = master;
>     debug = true;
>     host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
>     maxVersions = 2;
>     minBackgroundDuration = 30;
>     updateMethod = background;
>     updates =     {
>     };
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.447004-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] THREAD WARNING: ['IonicCordovaCommon'] took '10.304932' ms. Plugin should use a background thread.
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.455892-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Got prefs to save: {
>     appId = ee062ef3;
>     availableUpdate =     {
>         binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>         binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>         channel = master;
>         lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
>         state = ready;
>         url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
>         versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
>     };
>     binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
>     binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>     binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>     channel = master;
>     debug = true;
>     host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
>     maxVersions = 2;
>     minBackgroundDuration = 30;
>     updateMethod = background;
>     updates =     {
>         "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba" =         {
>             binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>             binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>             channel = master;
>             lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
>             state = ready;
>             url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
>             versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
>         };
>     };
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.463170-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Got Native app preferences: {
>     appId = ee062ef3;
>     channel = master;
>     debug = true;
>     host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
>     maxVersions = 2;
>     minBackgroundDuration = 30;
>     updateMethod = background;
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.463303-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] No custom config found
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.463773-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] found some saved prefs doing precedence ops: {
>     appId = ee062ef3;
>     availableUpdate =     {
>         binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>         binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>         channel = master;
>         lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
>         state = ready;
>         url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
>         versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
>     };
>     binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
>     binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>     binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>     channel = master;
>     debug = true;
>     host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
>     maxVersions = 2;
>     minBackgroundDuration = 30;
>     updateMethod = background;
>     updates =     {
>         "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba" =         {
>             binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>             binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>             channel = master;
>             lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
>             state = ready;
>             url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
>             versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
>         };
>     };
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.465761-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] Returning saved prefs: {
>     appId = ee062ef3;
>     availableUpdate =     {
>         binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>         binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>         channel = master;
>         lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
>         state = ready;
>         url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
>         versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
>     };
>     binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
>     binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>     binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>     channel = master;
>     debug = true;
>     host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
>     maxVersions = 2;
>     minBackgroundDuration = 30;
>     updateMethod = background;
>     updates =     {
>         "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba" =         {
>             binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
>             binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
>             channel = master;
>             lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
>             state = ready;
>             url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
>             versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
>         };
>     };
> }
> 2018-09-21 13:24:25.466790-0400 Private Direct[359:13194] THREAD WARNING: ['IonicCordovaCommon'] took '11.639160' ms. Plugin should use a background thread.

Xcode Debugger 2nd time loading, when the whole app works fine.

2018-09-21 13:30:00.188099-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] DiskCookieStorage changing policy from 2 to 0, cookie file: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/74851D78-E61C-4148-B7F2-EBA487E073CB/Library/Cookies/Cookies.binarycookies
2018-09-21 13:30:00.321227-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Apache Cordova native platform version 4.5.5 is starting.
2018-09-21 13:30:00.321517-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Multi-tasking -> Device: YES, App: YES
2018-09-21 13:30:00.366381-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] CDVWKWebViewEngine: trying to inject XHR polyfill
2018-09-21 13:30:00.462582-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] CDVWKWebViewEngine will reload WKWebView if required on resume
2018-09-21 13:30:00.462846-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Using Ionic WKWebView
2018-09-21 13:30:00.465946-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] [CDVTimer][console] 0.522971ms
2018-09-21 13:30:00.466500-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] [CDVTimer][handleopenurl] 0.340939ms
2018-09-21 13:30:00.471616-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Unlimited access to network resources
2018-09-21 13:30:00.472053-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] [CDVTimer][intentandnavigationfilter] 5.334020ms
2018-09-21 13:30:00.472524-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] [CDVTimer][gesturehandler] 0.347018ms
2018-09-21 13:30:00.479101-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] [CDVTimer][file] 6.376982ms
2018-09-21 13:30:00.480056-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Starting Firebase plugin
2018-09-21 13:30:00.480142-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] [CDVTimer][firebaseplugin] 0.924945ms
2018-09-21 13:30:00.528644-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] [CDVTimer][splashscreen] 48.381090ms
2018-09-21 13:30:00.530714-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] [CDVTimer][ioniccordovacommon] 1.924038ms
2018-09-21 13:30:00.531378-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] CDVIonicKeyboard: resize mode 1
2018-09-21 13:30:00.533794-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] [CDVTimer][keyboard] 2.691031ms
2018-09-21 13:30:00.554961-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] [CDVTimer][statusbar] 20.954967ms
2018-09-21 13:30:00.555690-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] [CDVTimer][socialsharing] 0.568032ms
2018-09-21 13:30:00.555776-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] [CDVTimer][TotalPluginStartup] 90.541959ms
2018-09-21 13:30:00.567297-0400 Private Direct[392:15599] [MC] System group container for systemgroup.com.apple.configurationprofiles path is /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/systemgroup.com.apple.configurationprofiles
2018-09-21 13:30:00.572354-0400 Private Direct[392:15599] [MC] Filtering mail sheet accounts for bundle ID: com.pdonboard.privatedirect, source account management: 1
2018-09-21 13:30:00.579223-0400 Private Direct[392:15605] 4.13.0 - [Firebase/Core][I-COR000003] The default Firebase app has not yet been configured. Add `[FIRApp configure];` (`FirebaseApp.configure()` in Swift) to your application initialization. Read more: https://goo.gl/ctyzm8.
2018-09-21 13:30:00.622523-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Could not successfully update network info during initialization.
2018-09-21 13:30:00.727649-0400 Private Direct[392:15599] 4.13.0 - [Firebase/Crash][I-CRA000004] Successfully initialized
2018-09-21 13:30:00.828028-0400 Private Direct[392:15617] Could not successfully update network info during initialization.
2018-09-21 13:30:00.945064-0400 Private Direct[392:15619] 4.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM001000] FIRMessaging Remote Notifications proxy enabled, will swizzle remote notification receiver handlers. If you'd prefer to manually integrate Firebase Messaging, add "FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled" to your Info.plist, and set it to NO. Follow the instructions at:
to ensure proper integration.
2018-09-21 13:30:00.946356-0400 Private Direct[392:15619] 4.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM002023] The object <AppDelegate: 0x10127aa80> does not respond to -messaging:didReceiveRegistrationToken:, nor -messaging:didRefreshRegistrationToken:. Please implement -messaging:didReceiveRegistrationToken: to be provided with an FCM token.
2018-09-21 13:30:00.952223-0400 Private Direct[392:15618] 4.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023007] Firebase Analytics v.40200000 started
2018-09-21 13:30:00.952385-0400 Private Direct[392:15618] 4.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023008] To enable debug logging set the following application argument: -FIRAnalyticsDebugEnabled (see http://goo.gl/RfcP7r)
2018-09-21 13:30:01.483072-0400 Private Direct[392:15611] TIC Read Status [1:0x0]: 1:57
2018-09-21 13:30:01.483958-0400 Private Direct[392:15611] TIC Read Status [1:0x0]: 1:57
2018-09-21 13:30:01.589628-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Connected to FCM.
2018-09-21 13:30:01.596665-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] InstanceID token: duJImKcy-Lw:APA91bGfkznfYnw77rumxPNznG8TGeRp_bEf8t5G6oAPMP2WfEGmFH_fn21kpL099qx-LasN2eEbeAtowf2nBsPksfCWzCD2dAtz3Ukhj6_6R_Y3FLDEAqYz4MqOUXrFHpTr0JANhLFh
2018-09-21 13:30:01.852497-0400 Private Direct[392:15611] TIC Read Status [3:0x0]: 1:57
2018-09-21 13:30:01.852577-0400 Private Direct[392:15611] TIC Read Status [3:0x0]: 1:57
2018-09-21 13:30:02.444166-0400 Private Direct[392:15619] [MC] Reading from public effective user settings.
2018-09-21 13:30:04.614017-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Ionic Native: deviceready event fired after 1539 ms
2018-09-21 13:30:04.620140-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Got Native app preferences: {
    appId = ee062ef3;
    channel = master;
    debug = true;
    host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
    maxVersions = 2;
    minBackgroundDuration = 30;
    updateMethod = background;
2018-09-21 13:30:04.620277-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] No custom config found
2018-09-21 13:30:04.621051-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] found some saved prefs doing precedence ops: {
    appId = ee062ef3;
    availableUpdate =     {
        binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
        binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
        channel = master;
        lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
        state = ready;
        url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
        versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
    binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
    binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
    binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
    channel = master;
    debug = true;
    host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
    maxVersions = 2;
    minBackgroundDuration = 30;
    updateMethod = background;
    updates =     {
        "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba" =         {
            binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
            binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
            channel = master;
            lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
            state = ready;
            url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
            versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
2018-09-21 13:30:04.625736-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Returning saved prefs: {
    appId = ee062ef3;
    availableUpdate =     {
        binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
        binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
        channel = master;
        lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
        state = ready;
        url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
        versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
    binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
    binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
    binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
    channel = master;
    debug = true;
    host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
    maxVersions = 2;
    minBackgroundDuration = 30;
    updateMethod = background;
    updates =     {
        "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba" =         {
            binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
            binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
            channel = master;
            lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
            state = ready;
            url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
            versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
2018-09-21 13:30:04.634805-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Got app info: {
    binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
    binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
    bundleName = "com.pdonboard.privatedirect";
    bundleVersion = "1.2.14";
    device = "BBB7CD1F-5646-422D-BEFF-EF412732A321";
    platform = ios;
    platformVersion = "11.4.1";
    version = "1.0.0";
2018-09-21 13:30:04.645899-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Got prefs to save: {
    appId = ee062ef3;
    binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
    binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
    binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
    channel = master;
    currentVersionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
    debug = true;
    host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
    maxVersions = 2;
    minBackgroundDuration = 30;
    updateMethod = background;
    updates =     {
        "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba" =         {
            binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
            binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
            channel = master;
            lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
            state = ready;
            url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
            versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
2018-09-21 13:30:04.651260-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Got Native app preferences: {
    appId = ee062ef3;
    channel = master;
    debug = true;
    host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
    maxVersions = 2;
    minBackgroundDuration = 30;
    updateMethod = background;
2018-09-21 13:30:04.651388-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] No custom config found
2018-09-21 13:30:04.651685-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] found some saved prefs doing precedence ops: {
    appId = ee062ef3;
    binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
    binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
    binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
    channel = master;
    currentVersionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
    debug = true;
    host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
    maxVersions = 2;
    minBackgroundDuration = 30;
    updateMethod = background;
    updates =     {
        "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba" =         {
            binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
            binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
            channel = master;
            lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
            state = ready;
            url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
            versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
2018-09-21 13:30:04.651996-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Returning saved prefs: {
    appId = ee062ef3;
    binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
    binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
    binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
    channel = master;
    currentVersionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
    debug = true;
    host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
    maxVersions = 2;
    minBackgroundDuration = 30;
    updateMethod = background;
    updates =     {
        "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba" =         {
            binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
            binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
            channel = master;
            lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
            state = ready;
            url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
            versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
2018-09-21 13:30:04.712060-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] ERROR: Unhandled Promise rejection: cancelled ; Zone: <root> ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: TypeError: cancelled
2018-09-21 13:30:11.559448-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] WARN: 
It looks like you're using the development build of the Firebase JS SDK.
When deploying Firebase apps to production, it is advisable to only import
the individual SDK components you intend to use.

For the module builds, these are available in the following manner
(replace <PACKAGE> with the name of a component - i.e. auth, database, etc):

CommonJS Modules:
const firebase = require('firebase/app');

ES Modules:
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/<PACKAGE>';
2018-09-21 13:30:11.562074-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Ionic Pro initializing (app id: EE062EF3)
2018-09-21 13:30:11.562607-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] platform ready timed out waiting for device ready creating new listener
2018-09-21 13:30:11.563029-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds.
2018-09-21 13:30:11.563422-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Channel not fired: onDOMContentLoaded
2018-09-21 13:30:11.563790-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] platform ready timed out waiting for device ready creating new listener
2018-09-21 13:30:11.564341-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Ionic Native: deviceready event fired after 4860 ms
2018-09-21 13:30:11.564608-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] WARN: This function has been deprecated in favor of IonicCordova.getAppDetails.
2018-09-21 13:30:11.565113-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Got app info: {
    binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
    binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
    bundleName = "com.pdonboard.privatedirect";
    bundleVersion = "1.2.14";
    device = "BBB7CD1F-5646-422D-BEFF-EF412732A321";
    platform = ios;
    platformVersion = "11.4.1";
    version = "1.0.0";
2018-09-21 13:30:11.565903-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] platform ready
2018-09-21 13:30:11.590947-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] THREAD WARNING: ['StatusBar'] took '13.506836' ms. Plugin should use a background thread.
2018-09-21 13:30:11.594601-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Got Native app preferences: {
    appId = ee062ef3;
    channel = master;
    debug = true;
    host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
    maxVersions = 2;
    minBackgroundDuration = 30;
    updateMethod = background;
2018-09-21 13:30:11.594721-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] No custom config found
2018-09-21 13:30:11.595028-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] found some saved prefs doing precedence ops: {
    appId = ee062ef3;
    binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
    binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
    binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
    channel = master;
    currentVersionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
    debug = true;
    host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
    maxVersions = 2;
    minBackgroundDuration = 30;
    updateMethod = background;
    updates =     {
        "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba" =         {
            binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
            binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
            channel = master;
            lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
            state = ready;
            url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
            versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
2018-09-21 13:30:11.595799-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Returning saved prefs: {
    appId = ee062ef3;
    binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
    binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
    binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
    channel = master;
    currentVersionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
    debug = true;
    host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
    maxVersions = 2;
    minBackgroundDuration = 30;
    updateMethod = background;
    updates =     {
        "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba" =         {
            binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
            binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
            channel = master;
            lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
            state = ready;
            url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
            versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
2018-09-21 13:30:11.790853-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Got app info: {
    binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
    binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
    bundleName = "com.pdonboard.privatedirect";
    bundleVersion = "1.2.14";
    device = "BBB7CD1F-5646-422D-BEFF-EF412732A321";
    platform = ios;
    platformVersion = "11.4.1";
    version = "1.0.0";
2018-09-21 13:30:11.801104-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Current: versionCode: 1.0.0 versionName: 1.2.14
2018-09-21 13:30:11.801449-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] update: versionCode: 1.0.0 versionName: 1.2.14
2018-09-21 13:30:11.836865-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Already running version c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba
2018-09-21 13:30:11.838112-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Got prefs to save: {
    appId = ee062ef3;
    binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
    binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
    binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
    channel = master;
    currentVersionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
    debug = true;
    host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
    maxVersions = 2;
    minBackgroundDuration = 30;
    updateMethod = background;
    updates =     {
        "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba" =         {
            binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
            binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
            channel = master;
            lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
            state = ready;
            url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
            versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
2018-09-21 13:30:11.839448-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Got Native app preferences: {
    appId = ee062ef3;
    channel = master;
    debug = true;
    host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
    maxVersions = 2;
    minBackgroundDuration = 30;
    updateMethod = background;
2018-09-21 13:30:11.839553-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] No custom config found
2018-09-21 13:30:11.839992-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] found some saved prefs doing precedence ops: {
    appId = ee062ef3;
    binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
    binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
    binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
    channel = master;
    currentVersionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
    debug = true;
    host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
    maxVersions = 2;
    minBackgroundDuration = 30;
    updateMethod = background;
    updates =     {
        "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba" =         {
            binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
            binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
            channel = master;
            lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
            state = ready;
            url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
            versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
2018-09-21 13:30:11.843729-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Returning saved prefs: {
    appId = ee062ef3;
    binaryVersion = "1.2.14";
    binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
    binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
    channel = master;
    currentVersionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
    debug = true;
    host = "https://api.ionicjs.com";
    maxVersions = 2;
    minBackgroundDuration = 30;
    updateMethod = background;
    updates =     {
        "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba" =         {
            binaryVersionCode = "1.0.0";
            binaryVersionName = "1.2.14";
            channel = master;
            lastUsed = "2018-09-21T17:24:15.339Z";
            state = ready;
            url = "https://api.ionicjs.com/apps/ee062ef3/snapshots/c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba/manifest";
            versionId = "c95a5556-4ad9-4dbb-9575-dde9b0290bba";
2018-09-21 13:30:11.861485-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] Cleared splash flag.
2018-09-21 13:30:12.210221-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] check user logged in
2018-09-21 13:30:12.473548-0400 Private Direct[392:15494] walkthrough page

Did you ever figure this out? I’m experiencing the exact same issue.

I believe it ended up being a bunch of plugin updates and a clash between ionic splash screen and another splash screen I somehow had installed.