Not able to use scrollToBottom in Ionic 4 with React

I’m using the Ionic V4 with React for Capacitor in that I want to use the ion-content. like scrollByPoint, scrollToBottom, scrollToPoint, scrollToTop, getScrollElement etc. This methods we can easily use with Angular. I have already tried scrollToBottom.
where I’m trying to do,

getContent() {
return document.querySelector(‘ion-content’);
scrollToBottom = () => {

It’s showing me error, "Object is possibly ‘null’. "
How can I achieve this. Thanks in advance for any help.

I know this is an old post but you can solve the problem like this

function getContent() {
    return document.querySelector(‘ion-content’);

function scrollToBottom() {
    const container = this.getContent();
    if(container) container!.scrollToBottom(500);

The type of function doesn’t matter, the concept would stay the same.

The method scrollToBottom with React doesn’t work at all… Only ScrollToTop works with Ionic React… :frowning:

Quick and dirty fix:

    function getContent() {
        return document.querySelector('ion-content#chat-content');

    function scrollToBottom() {
        const container = getContent();
        if(container) container.scrollToPoint(0, 99999);

I don’t know why, but setting timeout worked like a charm. The code was then:

  useEffect(() => {
    const timer = setTimeout(() => chat_content.current?.scrollToBottom(), 500);
    return () => clearTimeout(timer);
  }, [discussion]);