No local audio on android despite adjusted path

Hi everyone,

I have a question about native local audio with android. I’m using cordova media to use native audio capabilites, but it doesn’t work with local files on android, only with web-urls.

I know you need to adjust the path for android, which is what I did:

if($'android') { src = '/android_asset/www/' + src; }

I have a console.log which tells me the generated source path:

Started playing with src = /android_asset/www/audio/2-schulerinnen.mp3

but there’s an Error with code: 1 which means MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED according to the docs… and I have no idea what that means.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I’m going insane here. :frowning:

Best regards,

Noone can help? :frowning:

Any more information I can provide?

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