No-line seems to be default for my ion-lists

Despite no mention of no-line in my code, the ion-lists has no lines to separate them, and them seem slightly cropped as well.


    <ion-title>Min fangst</ion-title>
    <button ion-button icon-only menuToggle>
      <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>


<ion-content padding>
    <ion-label *ngIf="!resolved">
    <ion-list *ngIf="resolved && catches.length>0">
      <ion-item  *ngFor="let c of catches">

          {{c[1].getName()}}, {{c[0].getDateString()}}
          {{c[0].getCatchId()}}, {{c[0].getSalmon().getLength()}} cm, {{c[0].getSalmon().getWeigth()}} g
    <ion-label *ngIf="resolved && catches.length<1">
      Du har ikke registrert noen fangst



Any solutions to this?

Hi, @Gunnarkd
Could you try

<ion-content padding>
 <ion-label *ngIf="!resolved">
<ion-list  *ngIf="resolved && catches.length>0>
  <ion-item  *ngFor="let c of catches"> 
          {{c[1].getName()}}, {{c[0].getDateString()}}
          {{c[0].getCatchId()}}, {{c[0].getSalmon().getLength()}} cm, {{c[0].getSalmon().getWeigth()}} g
<ion-label *ngIf="resolved && catches.length<1">
      Du har ikke registrert noen fangst

Don’t use ion-card with ion-list


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Great! It fixed the line, but the items are still a little cropped as you see in the picture, first item

Hi, @Gunnarkd

Hope that will solved your issue i can’t see croped in the picture in first item


If you look closely at the first item, you can see that the 2 is cut off at the top.

I removed the padding from the ion-content, which solved the issue, it looks just as good.

Thanks again!