<div [ngSwitch]="color">
<ion-list *ngFor="let colorList of colorData" >
<ion-item *ngSwitchCase="'{{colorList.colorName}}'" >
error show
Unhandled Promise rejection: Template parse errors:
Can’t bind to ‘*ngSwitchCase’ since it isn’t a known property of ‘ion-item’.
May i use *ngSwitchCase="'{{colorList.color_name}}'"
for dynamic data? Am i right or wrong. Please anybody help. Thanks in advanced.
By any chance are you using lazy page loading?
no brother. I am using it after modal loading.
Hey @ismailcse11 , it’s been a while since you asked so I hope you were able to solve or work around your issue. But if you haven’t – or for anyone else who ran into this like I did – you need to have the ngFor wrapping the ngSwitch and ngSwitchCase, like this:
<div *ngFor="let option of options">
<div [ngSwitch]="which">
<div *ngSwitchCase="option">
I know this seems rather counterintuitive, and it can make things like lists and items a little strange to structure, but it gets around the error.
I solved this a long day ago. Thanks for your reply.
February 26, 2018, 1:23pm
Continuing the discussion from ngSwitchCase problem for dynamic data :
Can you tell? how the dynamic segment are created.
You can try this instead of ngSwitchCase
<ion-segment [(ngModel)]="selectedSegment" (ionChange)="onSegmentChanged($event)" *ngIf="productcategory">
<ion-segment-button value="{{segment.catid}}" *ngFor="let segment of productcategory" (ionChange)="onSegmentChanged($event)">
February 27, 2018, 4:29am
hey can you provide .ts file and .html file both code? so i can better understood.