ngStyle --background not working on ion-item

I have an ion-item. I send color from backend. Now I want to attach background color with [ngStyle]="{–background: red}" which is not working. Please let me know how will it. Thank you in advance.

i think is is --background? One “-” more than you have

Try this.

<div  [ngStyle]="{'background': 'red'}">

Question is not to use it with div but ion-item. Div works perfectly. Even grid, row too but not ion-item.

Have you tried my answer?

ngStyle not work to ion-item.
Try this.

    Bg Red

  --background: red;


  <ion-item class="clst">
    Bg Red
  --background: red;


Well, sorry, but as you know, it’s a bug then.

Because NgStyle not work on ion-item not signiticate is a error.
Remember the element of ionic have a custom css class.

this worked for me
