ngAnimate not working properly with ng-if/ng-show on Ionic 1.2.4

Continuing the discussion from Angular Animations (ngAnimate) not working for Ionic v1.2.4 (angular v1.4.3):

I had a slide-up/slide-down animation with ion-footer-bar and ng-if working before 1.2.4 upgrade…

I looked at the thread linked above and read all the replies. Sadly, the fix given my jlstr did not work for me. I’ve checked out this thread as well, which suggests upgrading ng-animate as well as AngularJS to 1.4.4+:

The other option is to downgrade but we’re too close to release to risk anything.

Anyone else run into issues with using ng-if/ng-show with this upgrade and found a resolution?

1.3.0 is actually a really safe build. its actually up the performance of our app and didn’t break anything. The animations are also working