Hi everyone. I have a strange issue with translate module. I try to describe the scenario:
- Main page
- ClubSettingsMenuComponent (it is a Popover Menu)
Main Page has a button that open popover Menu (Component Page).
ionic info
Ionic CLI : 6.13.1 (C:\Users\luca\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@ionic\cli)
Ionic Framework : @ionic/angular 5.6.8
@angular-devkit/build-angular : 12.0.3
@angular-devkit/schematics : 12.0.3
@angular/cli : 12.0.3
@ionic/angular-toolkit : 4.0.0
Cordova CLI : 10.0.0
Cordova Platforms : 6.0.0, browser
Cordova Plugins : cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.2.0, cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 4.2.1, (and 5 other plugins)
cordova-res : not installed
native-run : not installed
NodeJS : v14.16.1 (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe)
npm : 6.14.12
OS : Windows 10
In Main Page
import { ClubSettingsMenuComponent } from 'src/components/club-settings-menu/club-settings-menu.component';
async openSettingsMenu(ev: any) {
const popover = await this.popoverController.create({
component: ClubSettingsMenuComponent,
cssClass: 'my-custom-class',
event: ev,
translucent: true
await popover.present();
const { role } = await popover.onDidDismiss();
console.log('onDidDismiss resolved with role', role);
In ClubSettingsMenuComponentModule
imports: [
declarations: [ClubSettingsMenuComponent],
exports: [ClubSettingsMenuComponent]
export class ClubSettingsMenuComponentModule {}
In html page
<ion-item (click)="goToSearchUsers()">
<ion-icon name="custom-add-users" slot="start"></ion-icon>
<ion-label>{{ "searchUsersAction" | translate }}</ion-label>
When I open page, in console:
core.js:6456 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: NG0302: The pipe 'translate' could not be found!. Find more at https://angular.io/errors/NG0302
Error: NG0302: The pipe 'translate' could not be found!. Find more at https://angular.io/errors/NG0302
Can you help me to understand the issue please?
Thanks in advance