Ng-repeat empty row


I’m actually trying to get a list with a JSON file.
My JSON is like :

–Service 1
–Service 8
–Service 7

And in my view i’ve this:

<ion-item ng-repeat="servIn in servInconnu" class="message">						
	<h3 class="message title">{{}}</h3>
	<p>Services :</p>
		<ion-item ng-repeat="serv in servIn" class="message">
			<h4 class="title">{{serv.description}}</h4>

But when i launch this i’ve two empty row…


In my JSON i didn’t have any empty array…

If anyone know how to fix this?


A CodePen with your code may help, but maybe you have some items without subitems. In that case you should hide the second ion-list with ng-if.

Can i say to my list, if the item is empty don’t show him?

ng-repeat require an array,Are you sure your servIn is an array ?

Yes, this is a matter of AngularJS:


<ion-list ng-if="servIn.length">

You can also use ng-show, ng-hide…

In my service i get a JSON file i’ve to change the format?

When i do this my list is empty :frowning:

definitely yes :sunglasses:

JSON is a object , can’t be put it in ng-repeat :smile:

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Arf… But why thats works for some row?

You can output in console of browser if you don’t sure to much

Maybe you set the wrong controller or wrong scope :blush:

I’ve test this on what my service return:

if(angular.isArray(data)) {
    console.log('IS ARRAY');

And in the console i can see the message.

So i think i can use JSON with ng-repeat no? :hushed:

nop,if you can see the message means your data is not empty,but not means you can use it in ng-repeat

When i receive my JSON he’s like this:

        "Host": {
            "id": "15494",
            "name": "Test 8002",
            "Serv": [
                    "description": "rehrhtrhtrj",
                    "last_check": "1418910455"					
                    "description": "tyktkykyk",
                    "last_check": "1429604080",

What i’ve to do for using this in ng-repeat? :persevere:

Don’t worry, You can try this “JSON[0].Host.Serv[index].description” , hope this will work… :smile:

That doesn’t work, how can i convert the JSON for use the ng-repeat?

sorry,my bad , you can try this

      var JSON = [
    "Host": {
        "id": "15494",
        "name": "Test 8002",
        "Serv": [
                "description": "rehrhtrhtrj",
                "last_check": "1418910455"                  
                "description": "tyktkykyk",
                "last_check": "1429604080",

so you can use ng-repeat like this item in JSON[0].Host.Serv

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YEEAAAAHHHHH :heart_eyes:
Thank you that work!! :blush: