New "Select" style component

I figured it out. Had to put “item-select” in my label that encloses the select.

See my new directive to select multiple options! :smiley:

Happy Coding :wink:

Regards, Nicholls


Checkout my fancy select implementation using ng-model and ng-change for callback


Thank folks for putting your code here. Has anyone tried a Dependent Select? E.g. Countries->States->Cities

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Nice job with the library. Please i have a little challenge. Whenever i update the items variable in my controller, it doesn’t update the list within the modal. e.g if i add a new item, the item doesn’t show.

I have attempted to create a refresh method within the directive that i can call from my controller but it seems not to work.

Please can you guide on on how to achieve this.

Thank you

I hope this will help you.

Ionic pop up select

It has been used ionic v1 for this.

Hello @rangeles,

I’m trying to using your fancy select, and I need to detect whenever the value change.

Can I do that ?

Thanks :smiley:

yup by using ng-change directive

Thank you very much

Your fancy select help me alot :smiley:

@rangeles, can I use novalidate and the require attribute (or some kind feature like that) to your fancy select ?

Because I need to validate about 30 fancy select… If it can possible to do that that’s will help a work on validation of empty fancy select :smiley: