NetflixClone App Built with React and Capacitor 🚀

Hello ionic capacitor community!

I’m thrilled to introduce you to a fantastic app that I’ve been working on – the NetflixClone, built with React and powered by Capacitor. :movie_camera:

:iphone: App Features:

  • Discover a vast collection of movies and TV shows.
  • Seamless browsing and searching for your favorite content.
  • Watch trailers and get a sneak peek of what’s trending.
  • Enjoy a smooth user experience, thanks to the power of Capacitor.
  • Link to torrent web player to show movie

GitHub Repo: NetflixClone_Capacitor_Android

:rocket: But that’s not all! We’ve just launched on the Google Play Store:
NetflixClone on Google Play

We’ve poured our hearts and souls into crafting this app, and we’d love for you to check it out, provide feedback, or even contribute to its development. It’s a testament to the incredible capabilities of React and Capacitor working together to create a top-notch mobile experience.

Feel free to explore the code, download the app, and share your thoughts with us. Your support and feedback mean the world to us as we continue to enhance and expand the NetflixClone experience.

Thank you for being an awesome community, and we can’t wait to hear from you!

Happy coding and movie watching! :popcorn::tada:

Best regards,

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