Nested ion list not showing properly?

i have created a Reactive form in that form i want to show the gender option as radio options
the follwoing is my code but it will display anything, some body show me is there any attribute i am missing
here is my code

                <ion-label>Date of Birth</ion-label>
                <ion-datetime displayFormat="MM/DD/YYYY" formControlName="dob"></ion-datetime>
                <ion-list radio-group formControlName="gender">
                        <ion-radio checked value=0></ion-radio>
                        <ion-radio value=1></ion-radio>

and it display nothing in that item


what i am doing wrong
Just a bump? it’s been more that 12 hours please a basic thing or is it a bug?

Howdy, the trick is to simply add the item-content attribute to your ion-list, i.e.

                <ion-list radio-group formControlName="gender">
                        <ion-radio checked value=0></ion-radio>
                        <ion-radio value=1></ion-radio>


                <ion-list radio-group formControlName="gender" item-content> <!-- this right here -->
                        <ion-radio checked value=0></ion-radio>
                        <ion-radio value=1></ion-radio>

hi there so much thanks for the solution but one thing, where can i found the document for item-content

You can find it here:

Underneath the “Item Placement” and more importantly the “Content and Inputs” sections.