Need part time development manager

I am working with a developer to build a mobile app. At this point I am not looking for another developer. I need someone with lots of development background to help drive schedule with my current developer.

I am thinking 1 to 2 hours a week to review code done for the week, drive goals for next week and just verify things are on track. This can help light a fire under my process. I need to be able to demo a few screens from the app by the end of March.

Let us see what kind of reasonable arrangement we can work out.

Hi Wayne

I’m an experienced project manager and wouldn’t mind helping out a few hours each week. Just send me a private message and we can talk details.

Cheers, Arjen

This should be a private post. Let me know if you get it

Hi Wayne

Got it. Can you let me know what exactly you’re looking for. Easiest may be through email ( or just give me a call (+31650258754).

Best regards
