Need help to display multiple <ion-list> by using *ngIf

Hi guys,

I have this HTML code to display 2 ion-list with fixed header

<ion-content class="footer">
		<ion-item style="background-color:#EAECEE" *ngIf="notesList!=null">
			<label>My Notes</label>
		<div *ngFor="let note of (notesList | async)">
				<button ion-item (click)="x()">
					<ion-avatar item-start>
						<img src="imgs/Folder.png">
					<p style="overflow: hidden; max-width: 30ch;">
				<ion-item-options side="right">
					<button ion-button (click)="share(note.$key, note.title,note.desc)" color="">
						<ion-icon name="share"></ion-icon>
					<button ion-button (click)="delete(note.$key)" color="danger">
						<ion-icon name="trash"></ion-icon>
		<ion-item style="background-color:#EAECEE" *ngIf="sNotesList !=null">
			<label>Shared Notes</label>
		<div *ngFor="let sNote of (sNotesList | async)">
				<button ion-item (click)="x()">
					<ion-avatar item-start>
						<img src="imgs/SFolder.png">
					<p style="overflow: hidden; max-width: 30ch;">
				<ion-item-options side="right">
					<button ion-button (click)="sDelete(sNote.$key)" color="danger">
						<ion-icon name="trash"></ion-icon>
	<ion-fab bottom right padding>
    <button ion-fab (click)="add()" color="AppColor"><ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon></button>

I want to hide these part of html if the length of there list is zero (empty)

<ion-item style="background-color:#EAECEE" *ngIf="notesList!=null">
			<label>My Notes</label>
<ion-item style="background-color:#EAECEE" *ngIf="sNotesList !=null">
			<label>Shared Notes</label>

Note: The type of lists is,

public notesList: FirebaseListObservable<any[]>;
public sNotesList: FirebaseListObservable<any[]>;

I found the solution

<ion-item style="background-color:#EAECEE" *ngIf="(notesList | async)?.length > 0">
			<label>My Notes</label>

Perhaps this is not a truly worthwhile major concern, but I would worry that running notesList through the async pipe multiple times in the template would be wasteful, and probably prefer to do that in the controller code only once.

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