Need help Ionic-v1

Dear All
I am very new to ionic v1, and seek your help to get ionic v1 code for an app (food finder) which shows items when searched by name of food and description.


You should check ionic and angularjs document for this question. Please use below code for small sample. Also, “filter” is used for searching. I tried below code and it works.

HTML Code:

<input id="search" ng-model="search" type="text" placeholder="search">
        <div class="card" ng-repeat="pl in prdctlst | filter:search">
            <div class="item item-divider">
            <div class="item item-text-wrap">
            <div class="item item-divider">

JS Code:

$ = "";
    $scope.prdctlst = [
        { Id: "819", ProductName: "tea", Photo: "cay-WCScPT.jpg", Status: "1", Price: "1.00" },
        { Id: "820", ProductName: "water", Photo: "1579849103984.jpg", Status: "1", Price: "1.00" },
        { Id: "821", ProductName: "ice tea", Photo: "1579785555705.jpg", Status: "1", Price: "1.00" },
        { Id: "824", ProductName: "coffee", Photo: "1579845314648.jpg", Status: "1", Price: "1.00" },
        { Id: "825", ProductName: "turkish coffe", Photo: "1579847828043.jpg", Status: "1", Price: "1.00" },
        { Id: "827", ProductName: "milk", Photo: "1579845146244.jpg", Status: "1", Price: "1.00" },
        { Id: "828", ProductName: "lemon juice", Photo: "1579845469203.jpg", Status: "1", Price: "1.00" },
        { Id: "829", ProductName: "orange juice", Photo: "1579871118052.jpg", Status: "1", Price: "1.00" }