Navigation buttons inside top navbar with ionic-2-sidemenu app


I am trying to achieve a menu within the navbar of a sidemenu app, same as here but with ionic 2: some navigation buttons into the top navbar.

I am new to ionic 2, so I started a new app with ionic start APP sidemenu --v2
and now I understand that the navbar is in the header of every page.

So I would repeat my top navbar with my nav buttons on every page like this:

    <button ion-button menuToggle>
      <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>
    <ion-buttons right>
  <button ion-button icon-only><!-- or your method, this is for closing a modal -->
     <ion-icon name="md-person"></ion-icon>
<ion-buttons right>
  <button ion-button icon-only><!-- or your method, this is for closing a modal -->
     <ion-icon name="ios-search"></ion-icon>

but it’s not clean :wink:

Is there a way to separate this navbar in a menu.html file or should I copy my buttons in every page’s header?

Can you please help me with the code to start a mixed sidemnu/tabs? even explaining if there are components to declare please (I am new to angular 2)!


Is that where I should build a new component with angular 2 ?