Native Ionic AdMob plugin - Where are the events gone?

so i’ve been trying to play with the new IonicV2 AdMob plugin… but ive been having issues especially with respect to events… the documentation at ionic framework website states that the plugin exposes various events as Observables… even the admob.d.ts file inside /node_module/ionic-native/dist/plugins/ shows that the following events are observable:

static onBannerFailedToReceive(): Observable<any>;
static onBannerReceive(): Observable<any>;
static onBannerPresent(): Observable<any>;
static onBannerLeaveApp(): Observable<any>;
static onBannerDismiss(): Observable<any>;
static onInterstitialFailedToReceive(): Observable<any>;
static onInterstitialReceive(): Observable<any>;
static onInterstitialPresent(): Observable<any>;
static onInterstitialLeaveApp(): Observable<any>;
static onInterstitialDismiss(): Observable<any>;

however, i cant get any of these to work… ive tried subscribing to them but they just dont fire…

looking at /plugins/cordova-plugin-admobpro/typescript/AdMob.d.ts, however, i can see that there are no such events…

what gives? is Ionic Native implementation erroneous? am i using the wrong admob plugin?