i playing mp4 video in emulator is ok…but in samsung device that video is loading only…after five minutes Unfortunately stopped your app ,In samsung tablet video can’t play…the following screen shot like this…
ngSrc does not work for media files like video or audio tags.
You need to set src-attribute of the tag. Sometimes you need to set it via a directive (set directive on the video-element --> set src attribute with the path, if it is there) or you can use the module videogular, but it is a little bit big for that problem:
like i said --> i am using an own directive --> which checks if there is a src --> and i set it afterwards.
Additionally i use the $sce-Service to trust my resource: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$sce#trustAsResourceUrl
Otherwise it is sometimes blocked by angularjs
I was trying to serve multimedia from a local device on Android. Without plugin it didn’t work at all. I am surprised that the video loaded after 5 minutes for you at all.