Multiple modals, how to close one specific modal?

The first modal

.modal.fade(id="modalDelete" my-modal)
            button.close(type='button', data-dismiss='modal', aria-hidden='true') ×
            h4.modal-title {{ modalDeleteTitle }}
            p {{ modalDeleteMessage }}
            button.btn.btn-default(type='button', data-dismiss='modal') Annuleren
            button.btn.btn-primary(type='button' data="{{ customerToDelete }}" ng-click="confirmDelete(customerToDelete)") Ja, verwijderen!

The second modal

  .modal.fade(id="modalPrintQr" my-modal)
            button.close(type='button', data-dismiss='modal', aria-hidden='true') ×
            h4.modal-title Klantenkaart QR Code
            qrcode(id="qrprint" class="myqrcode" data="{{ QRtoPrint }}" size="200")
            button.btn.btn-default(type='button', data-dismiss='modal') Annuleren
            button.btn.btn-primary(type='button' data="{{ customerToDelete }}" ng-click="confirmPrintQrCode()") Code afdrukken

$scope.confirmDelete = function(customer){

Closing the modal doesn’t work anymore after adding the second modal. I’m wondering how I can target a specific modal and dismiss() that?

I’ve created my own ModalManager ( service), which is responsible for opening and closing modals. It has stack, where I push modal controller after showing it and pop after closing. This way guarantees that all modals will be closed.

That sounds cool, do you have some code online to show how you have solved this? Or do you know of any way to close a specific modal, should be possible right?

.factory('ModalManager',function ($ionicModal, ProcessingService, Stack) {
    var stack = new Stack();
    return {
        Show: function (scope, template) {
            return $ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl(template, {scope: scope})
                .then(function (modalCtrl) {
                .catch(function (e) {
        Close: function() {
            if (!stack.IsEmpty()) {
                var modalCtrl = stack.Pop();

It should be possible if modal has for example any id property then you could use Dictionary to store modals, I guess.

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Thanks, I’ll try your module this weekend. Maybe somebody has an idea how ionic itself can handle this without the need for an extra module?