When using a multi select in a form, it is not validating correctly.
What is the current way, with RC2 to use ‘required’ on a multi select?
Sample below:
<ion-select multiple="true" (ionChange)="showSelectValue(age)" #age [class.invalid]="!slideOneForm.controls.age.valid" ngControl="age">
<ion-option *ngFor="let item of ageList" value="{{item.value}}" selected="{{item.checked}}">{{item.text}}</ion-option>
And in my formBuilder.group:
age: ['', Validators.required]
This seems to be partially working:
this.MyForm = formBuilder.group({
age: ['this.profile_data.age', this.validator]
multiValidator(ctrl: FormControl) {
if (!ctrl.value || ctrl.value === false) {
return { 'invalidMulti': true };
} else {
return null
And adding ‘formControlName’ in the html:
<ion-select multiple="true" (ionChange)="showSelectValue(age)" #age formControlName="age" ngControl="profile_data.age">
<ion-option *ngFor="let item of ageList" value="{{item.value}}" selected="{{item.checked}}">{{item.text}}</ion-option>
But, the selected value is not tying into ‘profile_data’ object.
eg: this.profile_data.age should be what the selection is.
Same here, can’t validate a . I tried ‘required’ and ‘minlength()’ but doesn’t seem to affect. The result is always not valid.