Move to bottom of the screen

Hi all,
How to move bottom of the screen other than this.movetoBottom();.

I want to move through ionic code.
How whatsapp is moving automatically bottom of the screen. in chat screens


share a sample code and screen view to understand your situation else nobody will give you answer here.

have you google it or not ?

I checked this. it is moving to bottom of the screen. The scrolling how it is moving to bottom of the screen is showing very clearly. My intention is I should not see that scrolling. It should move within fraction of seconds.
So please help me.

Import { IonContent } and use viewchild

IonContent has a method scrollToBottom

ion content docs

Hi this is chatHistory.ts
toggled: boolean = false;
emojitext: string;

handleSelection(event) {
this.editorMsg = this.editorMsg + " " + event.char;
console.debug(" handle selection "+this.emojitext);

Hi this is my chatHistory.html

    <ion-col col-9>
        <ion-item >

<ion-row class="message_row">
    <ion-col col-2>
        <ion-item no-lines>
          <button ion-button clear icon-only (click)="toggled = !toggled" [(emojiPickerIf)]="toggled" [emojiPickerDirection]="'bottom'"
  <ion-icon name="md-happy"></ion-icon>
  <ion-col col-8>
    <ion-item no-lines>
      <ion-input type="text" placeholder="Message" [(ngModel)]="editorMsg" (keyup.enter)="sendMsg()" 
  <ion-col col-2>
    <button ion-button clear color="primary" (click)="sendMsg()" [disabled]="message === ''">

So emoji’s are displaying beside text area within two columns.
unable to see full emoji’s how WhatsApp shows emojis’s list below of text area.
So please help me.