Modal can't access data provider

Hi All,

I created a provider called “GlobalData” to share data across different pages, and it works fine everywhere except on my one modal page.

The exact error is: ModalCmp ionViewPreLoad error: No provider for GlobalData!

In app.component.ts, I import all pages and the provider

import { Details } from '../pages/details/details';    // this is the modal page
import { LotsOfOtherPages } from '../pages/xyz/xyz';
import { GlobalData } from '../providers/global-data';

I add my provider to the @Component decorator

    templateUrl: 'app.html',
    providers: [GlobalData]                     // providing GlobalData here gives all pages access to the same copy

In app.module.ts, I import all pages but not the provider

import { Details } from '../pages/details/details';    // this is the modal page
import { LotsOfOtherPages } from '../pages/xyz/xyz';

…and I make sure to add the modal to declarations and entryComponents

    declarations: [
     imports: [
    bootstrap: [IonicApp],
    entryComponents: [

What else needs to be done to give a modal access to a provider?


Add your provider to app.module.ts and not to app.component.ts.

import { GlobalData } from '../providers/global-data';


  providers: [GlobalData]
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