Mock Camera for QR scanner unit test

Hello veterans,
I want to create a unit test for QR scanner, for an ionic Android app. Since it requires a camera I was thinking of using th ionic-native-mocks plugin ([].
However, from ionic-native/barcode-scanner I can only use the scan() method which automatically opens a camera on an Android emulator.

So my questions are:

Does using the ionic-native-mocks eliminates the requirement for an emulator to start the native interface for the barcode-scanner?

I currently use Jasmine and Karama for running unit tests. Do I need end-to-end testing like Protractor if I want to use ionic-native-mocks?

The barcode-scanner can chose between a front and a back camera, but I don’t know how to tell him to use a mock camera, unless I somehow register the ionic-native-mocks/camera as a front camera. Would I still need to run this on an emulator?

I wouldn’t think so. I haven’t used that particular set of mocks, but have mocked ionic-native plugins for use with karma/jasmine before and it worked fine.