Hello I ran this code on another pc on the first one the first one works for me and on a 32bit not
Hello I ran this code on another pc on the first one the first one works for me and on a 32bit not and I did it again on that pc and I get this
Error: ‘module’ is not defined
Source: Microsoft JScript Runtime Error
I’m making a desktop app with ionic
// this is a custom dictionary to make it easy to extend/override
// provide a name for an entry, it can be anything such as 'copyAssets' or 'copyFonts'
// then provide an object with a `src` array of globs and a `dest` string
module.exports = {
copyAssets: {
src: ['{{SRC}}/assets/**/*'],
dest: '{{WWW}}/assets'
copyIndexContent: {
src: ['{{SRC}}/index.html', '{{SRC}}/manifest.json'],
dest: '{{WWW}}'
copyFonts: {
src: ['{{ROOT}}/node_modules/ionicons/dist/fonts/**/*', '{{ROOT}}/node_modules/ionic-angular/fonts/**/*'],
dest: '{{WWW}}/assets/fonts'
copyPolyfills: {
src: ['{{ROOT}}/node_modules/ionic-angular/polyfills/polyfills.js'],
dest: '{{BUILD}}'
copySwToolbox: {
src: ['{{ROOT}}/node_modules/sw-toolbox/sw-toolbox.js'],
dest: '{{BUILD}}'