Media Capture not working in Android 13 devices


I am using the @ionic-native/media-capture plugin for my react ionic project with capacitor 5. The media capture for video, audio, and camera is working fine in Android 12 and below devices and also iOS devices. But for Android 13 devices the camera capture is not working. Tried out new permission for media in the Android manifest as suggested in Android documentation still not working. We came to know that the ionic. native was replaced with @awesome-cordova-plugins. We tried this also, but didn’t work.

Permission code added in Android. manifest file is given below:-

if any solutions. Please suggest

Google changed the permissions on Android 13 and the plugin needs to be updated to work on Android 13 devices
It has been fixed here but not released yet.

You can install the plugin from github by doing cordova plugin add

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Hey Julio,
Your suggestion worked for us. Thank you very much.
We have been struggling for a few weeks, now at least it is working.

Do you know when they will release this change?

no idea, sorry, but you can use the unreleased version without fear

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