May be a bug with select/option

With the code below, there will be a “default” option shown in the dropdown list

<select ng-model="query.tag" ng-options="name as name for (name, data) in tags">
    <option value="">default</option>

However, if you set the option value, e.g

<select ng-model="query.tag" ng-options="name as name for (name, data) in tags">
    <option value="default">default</option>

there will be no “default” option in the dropdown list.

So now I fall back to

<select ng-model="query.tag">
      <option value="default">default</option>
      <option ng-repeat="(name, data) in tags">{{name}}</option>

It works.

p.s. What’s the difference between “<select ng-options ...>” and “...<option ng-repeat ...>...”?

What version of ionic are you using? Can you try the nightly builds