I followed the example in the Ionic docs for using Maskito on an IonInput component. Whenever I change the input’s value in the UI, I get this error:
08:46:00.449 Uncaught DOMException: An attempt was made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable
updateSelectionRange index.esm.js:650
updateElementState index.esm.js:639
ensureValueFitsMask index.esm.js:657
Maskito index.esm.js:601
Angular 15
ael index.js:122
setAccessor index.js:912
updateElement index.js:975
createElm index.js:1033
createElm index.js:1043
createElm index.js:1043
addVnodes index.js:1126
patch index.js:1282
renderVdom index.js:1464
callRender index.js:1674
updateComponent index.js:1614
Angular 3
updateComponent index.js:1599
dispatchHooks index.js:1592
enqueue index.js:1597
dispatchHooks index.js:1592
dispatch index.js:1558
consume index.js:170
flush index.js:212
Angular 21
raf index.js:121
queueTask index.js:163
scheduleUpdate index.js:1559
schedule index.js:2054
initializeComponent index.js:2058
Angular 3
initializeComponent index.js:1981
connectedCallback index.js:2117
connectedCallback index.js:2513
Angular 6
2 index.esm.js:650:6
updateSelectionRange index.esm.js:650
updateElementState index.esm.js:639
ensureValueFitsMask index.esm.js:657
Maskito index.esm.js:601
Angular 15
ael index.js:122
setAccessor index.js:912
updateElement index.js:975
createElm index.js:1033
createElm index.js:1043
createElm index.js:1043
addVnodes index.js:1126
patch index.js:1282
renderVdom index.js:1464
callRender index.js:1674
updateComponent index.js:1614
next self-hosted:1338
Angular 3
updateComponent index.js:1599
dispatchHooks index.js:1592
enqueue index.js:1597
dispatchHooks index.js:1592
dispatch index.js:1558
consume index.js:170
flush index.js:212
Angular 21
raf index.js:121
queueTask index.js:163
scheduleUpdate index.js:1559
schedule index.js:2054
initializeComponent index.js:2058
InterpretGeneratorResume self-hosted:1417
next self-hosted:1338
Angular 3
initializeComponent index.js:1981
connectedCallback index.js:2117
connectedCallback index.js:2513
Angular 6
Here is my IonInput:
<ion-input type="number" [maskito]="numberMask" [maskitoElement]="maskPredicate"></ion-input>
and Maskito config:
readonly numberMask = {
mask: /^\d+$/
readonly maskPredicate: MaskitoElementPredicate = async el =>
(el as HTMLIonInputElement).getInputElement();
Something to note is that the actual masking logic works just fine. But the DOMException is thrown on every single input change. Also, the masking does work without any errors logged on a native input
element, where the maskPredicate is not needed.
Ionic 8
Angular 18
Maskito 3